Vaisala WindCube Nacelle

Industry-leading nacelle lidar can be deployed temporarily for contractual and operational Power Performance Testing (PPT) and optimization, or integrated by manufacturers for feedforward Turbine Control.

New advancements in measuring Turbulence Intensity with wind lidar

Industry players are working to increase lidar’s acceptance for TI measurements through projects aimed at developing guidelines and recommended practices — an ongoing effort. Vaisala is committed to advancing lidar technology and the wind energy industry through rigorous research and innovation.  

Every turbine reaches its potential

WindCube® Nacelle is the industry’s most used and trusted nacelle-mounted lidar. Suitable for any turbine, this standalone nacelle-mounted lidar measures wind conditions at hub height at an unprecedented range of 700m — enabling efficient PPT and optimization.

The enhanced measurement range provides of the standalone lidar provides a complete picture of the wind profile — with accuracy and reliability as good as or better than met masts.


The remarkable science and business outcomes of WindCube® suite of lidars


The scientific innovation and superior metrology of WindCube


WindCube manufacturing, validation and certification practices


The unnmatched service and support capabilities of WindCube


Introduction to dual lidar

2022-Dominic Champneys Dual Lidar ACP Presentation

Nacelle-mounted lidar for Power Performance Testing

2022-ACP Resource _ Project Energy Assessment Virtual Summit 2021 – Onshore PPT Campaign DNV, GE, ENGIE_

Machine learning improvements to WindCube turbulence intensity measurements at five sites in Northern Europe
