
Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 Series

The perfect mix of accurate air pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, and wind direction data to measure weather conditions without the expense or magnitude of an automatic weather station.


Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 series is a unique collection of cost-effective sensors that accurately and reliably measure weather conditions. They can capture any combination of wind, rain, temperature, and barometric readings in a compact, affordable package. WXT530 models utilize solid state technologies that minimize operating and maintenance costs. Digital and analog interfaces make for easy, flexible integration, and third-party sensors can be connected to select WXT530 models to create your own weather parameter hub.


The WXT530 series measures six of the most important weather parameters: air pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, and direction in various combinations. Simply determine the conditions you need to measure, and you’ll find the perfect fit from the wide range of models available. All models offer a heated option for cold weather accuracy.


The WTX530 series transmitters make a great cornerstone of any cost-effective weather monitoring system. They are compact, easy to install, and almost effortless to maintain. With the WTX530 series, you have a wide range of digital and analog communications connection options to choose from. Analog input options for additional third-party sensors enable expansion of the array to include solar radiation, water and snow levels, and external temperature sensors. The new Modbus RTU interface enables easy integration with automation, instrumentation, and control systems in various industrial applications. All WTX530 models integrate into third-party data collection platforms with ease.


WXT530 Series focuses on maintenance-free operations in a cost-effective manner. With no moving parts, WTX530 models are durable, can be calibrated in the field, and require very little maintenance. These transmitters leverage unique Vaisala solid state sensor technology that includes:
