
Megger SMRT43

Small, rugged, lightweight and powerful Operate with or without a computer Intuitive manual operation with Smart Touch View Interface High current, high power output (45 Amps/300 VA rms) per phase 4 Voltage channels, 3 Current channels Dynamic, Transient and GPS Satellite Synchronized End-to-End Testing Capability IEC 61850 Testing Capability The SMRT43 is a multipurpose, light-weight, field portable test set capable of testing a wide variety of electro-mechanical, solid-state and microprocessor-based protective relays, motor overload relays and similar protective devices. The SMRT43 test system has the ability to be manually controlled with Megger’s Smart Touch View Interface™ (STVI). The STVI, with its large, full color, high resolution, TFT LCD touch screen allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily using the manual test screen, as well as using built-in preset test routines for most popular relays (see STVI datasheet for details). For full automatic testing the SMRT43 may be controlled by Megger Relay Testing Management Software (RTMS). RTMS is a Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the new Megger SMRT33, (see RTMS datasheet for details).