
Megger RTMS

Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program RTMS is available in Standard and Enhanced levels Megger GOOSE Configurator MGC Sampled Values Analyser SVA RTMS, Relay Test Management Software, is the culmination of over 35 years of automatic relay testing experience. RTMS is a Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the Megger SMRT Family of units. The same software also runs on the STVI, Smart Touch View Interface Hand-held controller for the SMRT family of units. Every SMRT unit comes with RTMS Software for installing on a PC. It does not require a security dongle or license to operate, and can be loaded on as many customer owned PC’s as required. RTMS comes with two different levels, Standard and Enhanced. The Standard level includes the manual test screen, semi-automatic and automatic tests for Simple and Advanced Ramping, Pickup and Timing of Over Current, Under Voltage and Over Voltage relays, Directional Over Current, Sequence tests for Reclosing and Transient Earth Fault simulation, Impedance (both generic and relay specific from various manufacturer’s), Three-phase Current Differential, and other special test applications such as the Fault Calculator, Harmonics Generator, Symmetrical Components, Simplified Power Swing, and much more. It also includes a Relay Library with over 200 specific relays from 31 different relay manufacturers. The Enhanced level is hardware enabled when connected to a test set, which has the RTMS Enhanced feature enabled; see the SMRT Ordering Information for details. Enhanced includes tests for Synchronizer, Under / Over, and df/dt (ROCOF) Frequency relay Pick-up and Timing Tests, IEEE/IEC COMTRADE Transient Waveform playback, Enhanced Power Swing/Out of Step Simulator, SSI File Converter and playback, and IEC 61850 Megger GOOSE Configurator (MGC).