
Fujikura Optical Fiber Cleaver CT50

The CT50 offers enhanced drop impact resistance compared to existing cleavers and allows workers to replace the cleaver blade, providing customers with a drastic reduction in handling time and maintenance costs. The CT50 changes the position of the cleaving blade automatically and in response to the cleave quality of the optical fibers as seen by the fusion splicer. The fusion splicer will then rotate the blade once it deems the quality is poor. In addition, the CT50 completes cleaving of the fiber and scrap collection in the same step.

Automatic Blade Rotation – The fusion splicer and CT50 fiber cleaver have wireless data connectivity. This capability allows automatic cleaver blade rotation when the splicer judges the blade is worn.
Blade Life Management – The fusion splicer indicates the remaining blade life and also informs the user when a blade height change is required. Easy Maintenance – The CT50 fiber cleaver has a user replaceable blade and rubber clamps, so there’s no need to send the device to a service center for blade or clamp replacement.
User replaceable rubber clamps and user replaceable cleaver blade. The CT50 lid opens 100 degrees to offer easy access and can accommodate longer stripped fibers than previous models.The CT50 cleaves and collects the fiber scrap with a single press action.