
Keysight M8194A 120 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator

AWG with the highest combination of speed, bandwidth, and channel density 1, 2, or 4 differential channels on a 1-slot AXIe module enable optimized channel density 120 GSa/s sample rate arbitrary signal generation with frequency content up to 50 GHz synchronization across modules 8-bit vertical resolution 512 kSamples per channel (enables PRBS 215-1) Designed to meet the requirements of 64 GBd / 64 QAM and 100 GBd PAM4, the M8194A addresses coherent optical and multi-level / multi-channel digital signal requirements. The M8194A is one of Keysight's high-speed AWGs, delivering 120 GSa/s and bandwidth up to 50 GHz. The M8194A offers flexibility, without complexity, in single- or multi-channel operation.